I am a full-stack engineer with a passion for technology, music, and visual arts.
I am driven by the duality of structure and creativity; the juxtaposition of formula and free expression; the balance in science and art. Observe this yin-yang balance in everything around you... without it, life would be pretty bland.
I like to consider both of these elements when I program - it's not just about writing lines of code, but creating something bigger. Let's connect and create something beautiful and powerful.
Build elegant, clean, and responsive user interfaces. Utilize a variety of front-end frameworks to ensure an efficient and intuitive user experience.
{React, jQuery, Sass, Bootstrap, Liquid}
Develop dynamic, scalable web apps using various server-side frameworks. Implement robust APIs, secure routing, and complex architectural patterns.
{Ruby on Rails, Python, Java, C#, REST}
Design, implement, and maintain a variety of relational and NoSQL databases. Run queries, migrations, and reports on large tables of data.
{PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, ObjectStore}
Create comprehensive charts and data visualizations. Produce lively web animations and complex, artful 3-dimesional models and scenes.
{Chart.js, D3, ThreeJS, p5.js, WebGL, Unity}
Incorporate Agile and test-driven development practices. Employ a number of build tools, automated testing technologies, and cloud hosting platforms.
{Cucumber, Selenium, Jest, Heroku, AWS}
Generate simulations and predictive analytics on large sets of data using neural networks, regression, and deep learning models.
{TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit}
Pursuing degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics, I learned the fundamentals of programming and computational thinking - and perfected a nuanced diet of Ramen noodles and canned soup.
At my first internship, I began to solidify my skills as a developer: I developed a transfer function utility using C# and Aspose.Cells to integrate Excel-based calculations with numeric requirements. Prototyped many graphical displays using D3 and Chart.js for various statistical tools in the risk management platform. Enhanced the automated test engine to support performance testing and benchmark results.
My transition into a full-time, full-stack dev role on the Marketing Automation team enabled me to blossom and hone my craft as an engineer: I designed and built out new architectures and UI components for simulations and scenario planning. Refactored the File/DB template infrastructure to improve its performance. Fulfilled urgent customer hot-fix requests pertaining to campaign runtime, life-cycle, and segmentation.
I packed up and moved away from the East Coast for a new way of life! I work for various clients to build websites and custom templates using the Shopify platform to take their e-commerce stores to the next level. Customize store features like filtering, dynamic search, user registration and management, and live chats. Develop custom animations and optimize functionality for mobile and tablet users.